The quest begins in Giran Castle Town.
1. In .Giran Castle Town locate Grand Master Hannavalt.
Grand Master Hannavalt:
Do you hold higher ambitions than being a mere Knight? You must examine your motivation for fighting. It may be to protect loved ones, for the glory of the kingdon., for power� But true knights fight for the �calling� that is given them. The Trial of the Calling is the way for you to determine what your calling is.
Say you will attempt the Trial of the Calling.
Grand Master Hannavalt:
First you must find Sir Aaron Tanford. He resides in the southern Wastelnds of Gludio. He shall give you your first test.
2. Travel to the southern Wastelands and speak to Sir Aaron Tanford. (See map below)
Sir Aaron Tanford:
Dignity is one of the virtues that define a Knight�s worth. Dignity takes various forms in different people�
As we speak there are vicious gangs, who know nothing of dignity, prowling the Wastelands disturbing the residents. These gangs are led by Harrod. He was once a prestigious Knight of Gludio.
During the war against Grecia, Harrod was tempted to treason by the enemy�s leader. He became an agent of the invaders! Sir Klaus Vasper chased him doggedly and eventually put a spear through his heart. Karol said that �A knight who abandons his dignity is as good as dead�. Not wanting to give the traitor the dignity of a funeral, his corpse was left to rot in the Wastelands.
This made his soul become a cursed devil, and the only way to get rid of him is to free him from the curse with this rusty sword. The undead skulls wandering around the Wastelands are his minions. As you destroy the filthy undead skulls one by one, you will confront the Spirit of Harrod. Kill him with the rusty sword I gave you, and remind him of the noble dignity of a Gludio Knight. If possible, please bring proof of his end.
3. Take the Old Knight�s Sword along with plenty of soulshots and perhaps a healer, to the southern portion of the Wastelands and kill Skeleton Raiders until the Spirit of Herod spawns.
4. You will earn the Knights Tear. Return to Sir Aaron Tanford and give him the Old Knight�s Sword and the Knights Tear.
Sir Aaron Tanford:
So dignity was lost to the errant knight for eternity? What a dreadful curse! So it is his fate to wander the Wastelands forever�He has no one to blame but himself.
Well done! You have completed the task successfully. Now you must go to the Dark Elven Guild in Dion Castle Town and meet Sir Kiel Knighthawk. He will be waiting for you with your second task.
5. Travel to Dion Castle Town to meet Sir Kiel Knighthawk.
Sir Kiel Nighthawk:
Nice to meet you, young Warrior. I am Kiel Nighthawk of the Griffon Knight union. I already received a notice from Hannavalt.
One of the virtues that define a Knight�s brightness is a sense of justice. There is a miserable history in this land of Dion because of the lack of justice. Especially the unfair mortification of Sir Talianus is such a case. Sir Talianus wrote in the report about the specific situations at the peasant�s uprising. It was something that he prepared to give to the King, but unfortunately the report was torn into pieces and Sir Talianus was executed. The Soldiers who served him tried to collect the torn pages but even they were all killed.
Even until this day, there are some people who claim that they heard the voices of the Knight and his followers, wailing in agony. Thou who sticks to what he believed was right, but his spirits are still wandering on earth, unable to side with Shilen�I want you to carry out the justice that he couldn�t complete.
Gather the pieces of the report and restore the contents of his articles. As you kill the undead of the Execution Ground one by one, you�ll be able to gather the pieces of the report. Kill the Strains and the Ghouls to collect the torn pieces of the report. When you gather all the pieces and complete Talianus�s Report bring it back to me.
6. Sir Kiel Knighthawk sends you to the Execution Grounds to kill Strains and Ghouls. He asks you to return with a Report. The Report is made up of 10 Torn Report Pieces; once all of the pieces are collected it will show as only as one Report Piece instead of the Report as suggested.
7. Return to Sir Kiel Knighthawk and give him the Report Piece(1). He will reward you with the Orpic Mirror.
Sir Kiel Nighthawk:
The very report that Sir Talianus couldn�t deliver to the King until the end�When you meet his spirit and promise him that you will deliver the report to the King of Aden, he will finally be able to rest in peace. His spirits are now captured in the doomed tree of the Execution Grounds. Take the Mirror of Orpic with you. There is power dwelling in this mirror, which enables you to see the spirits of the dead. Go to the Execution Ground and get rid of the Hanged Man Ripper who is suppressing the spirits of him. Then you shall be able to confront the ghost of Sir Talianus.
8. Sir Kiel Knighthawk will then ask that you seek out Hangman Tree�s (referred to as Hanged Man Rippers) and kill them until Telianus�s Dead Spirit spawns. Telianus�s Dead Spirit will give you the Tears of Confession.
Spirit of Sir Talianus:
The report that I tried to give to the King�Please deliver it to the King of Aden�
But, listen young Warrior�I have something to confess. The depth of my sin is deeper than the well�Until the day I pay of the debts of my sin, and until justice settles down on this land of Dion, I shall not be able to rest in peace. I do not dare to�
9. Take the Tears of Repentance back to Sir Kiel Knighthawk.He will take the Tears of Repentance and assign your next task.
Sir Kiel Nighthawk:
Now that I hear your story, it occurs to me that there must be some other reasons why the spirits of Talianus can�t rest in peace�I will have to do some more research on this.
As for you, you should now go to the Hunter�s Village to take the next stage in the trial. There at the Hunter�s Village you must meet Sir Isael Silvershadow.
10. Travel to Hunter�s Village and speak with Sir Isael Silvershadow.
Isael Silvershadow:
May the blessings of the starlight shine upon you. Hello, young traveler. Welcome to the Hunters Village.
My name is Isael Silvershadow. I am a Knight of the Order of the Rose, who once fought alongside Grand Master Hannavalt. But now I am retired and live a quiet life here.
Select Quest.
Isael Silvershadow:
May the blessings of the starlight shine upon you. Hello, young warrior. Welcome to the Hunters Village. True to Hannavalt�s words, you seem to have the potential to become a great Knight someday.
Let�s briefly discuss the last virtue of a Knight, loyalty. Loyalty may be towards a lord, towards the teachings of the divine powers, or to a town and its residents whom you�ve sworn to protect� A good example would be the guards that risked their lives to battle the Leto Lizardmen and protect this village. The loyalty they displayed in sacrificing their lives to protect their homes and loved ones is surely honorable indeed.
My task for you is to recover the Milita�s Article from the Leto Lizardmen. The families of the fallen guards wish to hold a memorial for them. Considering their sacrifice, should we not at least do this much for them? In order to hold the memorial, we need 20 pieces of the articles. Well then, good luck on your journey.
11. To obtain the required Milita�s Articles you must kill Leto Lizardmen Soldiers. Once you have collected the 20 pieces return them to Isael Silvershadow.
12. Isael Silvershadow will then reward you for bringing her the 20 Militas Articles with a Tear of Loyalty. She then informs you that Grand Master Hannavalt has requested you go to Father (Priest) Dustin in Giran Castle Town. He will then give you your final task.
Priest Dustin:
Welcome, noble Knight. May the blessings of Einhasad be with you.
I am troubled by recent violence of the foreign races. We have lost many of our young in fights with them� Just six months ago, a fine, strapping young lad named Leon the Athebaldt was killed in battle with the Breka Orcs.
Select Ask about Leon Athebaldt.
He was a dashing young knight, sworn to serve Einhasad�s holy will and protect the innocent. He took his vow in this very temple. He was honorable and devout young man, nephew of the famous Sir Collin. He was even considered for canonization by the High Priest! We all had high hopes for him, for what he might achieve for the kingdom and for the Goddess of Light� �but alas, he has been taken from us. Oh well, it was the will of Eisenhad.
Select Ask about Athebaldt�s death.
Priest Dustin:
Last winter a giant horde of blood-thirsty Breka Orcs swept in from the north and invaded Giran. Those violent thugs looted homes and businesses, and even threatened the castle. They game the Royal Guards quite a challenge.
Leon Athebaldt led his men in an attack on the Breka Orc encampment. With remarkable courage, they killed the Breka Orc Overlords one by one. Thanks to this effort the Breka Orcs were driven back into the north part of Giran.
The final battle to drive them entirely out of Giran was the fiercest yet. The lone survivor of that battle was Leon�s servant. He barely escaped with a shield and weapons inscribed with his master�s crest. According to him, Athebaldt fought valiantly to the death, slaying Orcs to his left and right. Eventually he was no match for the hundreds of Orcs that continued to attack in waves against him. His remains have not been found. I�m sure the Breka Orcs have taken them for some nefarious purpose. It saddens me deeply that he cannot be given a proper burial.
Select Ask about the remains.
Priest Dustin:
The Orcs have an appalling custom of carrying around the remains of their enemies as a sort of charm or amulet. They say that the more courageous the enemy, the greater the power� It is said that Athebaldt�s remains were cut up into pieces and fashioned into amulets for the Breka Orc Overlords. These creatures are fierce and violent! But I must give Leon a proper burial. Can you retrieve his remains for me?
Select Please let me take that task.
Priest Dustin:
Our religious traditions dictate that we can hold a funeral if we have the skull, ribs, and shinbone. Slay the Breka Orc Overlords and bring back Sir Athebaldt�s skull, ribs, and shinbone.
13. Priest Dustin will then take your Tear of Loyalty and ask you to retrieve Sir Athebaldt�s skull, ribs and shinbone. Once you have all the items return to Priest Dustin.
Priest Dustin:
Thank you so very much. Now we may finally hold a proper funeral for Leon Athebaldt. I have cremated part of his remains and put them into this urn. Please deliver it to Leon�s uncle, Sir Collin Windawood. He is the Governor of Talking Island.
14. Priest Dustin will then give you the Saints Ashes Urn. Now you must take a ride to the Talking Island and locate Sir Collin Windawood. Speak with him to find out your next task.
Sir Collin Windawood:
Could these actually be the bones of Leon? I heard of his glorious death during the battle against Orcs�What a loss� Never did I expect that I would see you like this, my beloved nephew! I regret I wasn�t with you at the moment of your death!
Young Warrior, my family is in your debt. I know it wasn�t exactly easy to recover his bones. Thank you so much. Take this letter to Priest Dustin.
Now I shall prepare for my nephew�s funeral.
15. Travel back to Priest Dustin in Giran and deliver to him the Letter of Windawood. Priest Dustin will then gladly accept the Letter of Windawood and in turn reward you with a letter commending your efforts. Take the Letter of Dustin to Grand Master Hannavalt.
Grand Master Hannavalt:
Greetings. So, you have received your calling? You needn�t tell me what it is. The virtues, actions, and responsibilities that you have seen, heard, and felt are true callings of the Knight. Keep that deeply in your heart.
Accept this Mark of the Calling. May the good will of Einhasad always remain in your heart�
16. Grand Master Hannavalt will reward you with the Mark of Duty.
Testimony Of Trust
2.1 - Oren - High Priest Hollint - Receive Letters for Elf and Dark Elf.
2.2 Elven Village - Tetrarch Asterios - Will require trustable action from Humans, so gives you Order of Ozzy and asks you to hunt some bad guys.
2.3 Elven Village - West and Southwest of Elven Village are various Dryads. Hunt them a few times, and Actea of Verdant Wilds appear, kill to earn Seed of Verdure.
2.4 Elven Village - Not too far from Dryads are Lireins. Hunt them few times, and Luell of Zephyr Winds appear, kill to earn Breath of Winds.
2.5 Elven Village - Tetrarch Asterios - Will give you Scroll of Elf Trust.
2.6 Dark Elven Village - Tetrarch Thifiell - Trust between Elves and Humans are thin. Thifiell sends you off to Magister Clayton in Dion.
2.7 Dion - Magister Clayton - Will ask you to hunt Guardian Basilisks, Soldier Ants, Marsh Stakatos to collect materials.
2.8 Wastelands - Hunt any Red Ants ("Soldier" Ants) to collect 10 Giant Aphid. These ants are also found deep inside of the Ant Nest.
When you collcet 10 Giant Aphids, it automatically turns into Honey Dew.
2.9 Cruma Marsh - Hunt various Stakatos to collect 10 Stakatos Fluids.
Again, these magically turn into Stakato Ichor.
2.10 Death Pass - Hunt Guardian Basilisks to collect 10 Blood of Guardian Basilisk.
Once again, these will magically turn into Basilisk Plasma when you collect 10.
2.11 Dion - Magister Clayton - Will send you back to Thifiell.
2.12 Dark Elven Village - Tetrarch Thifiell - Earn Scroll of Darkelf Trust.
2.13 Oren - High Priest Hollint - Will now ask you to seek Seresin to earn the trust of Orcs and Dwarves. Seresin is just outside the Church.
2.14 Orc Village - Flame Lord Kakai - Earn Letter to Manakia.
2.15 Giran - Seer Manakia - Asks you to hunt Windsus.
( missing 2 screenshots)
2.16 Death Pass - Hunt Windsus until you collect 10 Lota's Spirit. Windsus is found East of Death Pass, South of the river that divides Oren and Giran area. Watch out for Fettered Souls, they are double HP, run fast and hit hard!
( missing 3 screenshots )
2.17 Giran - Seer Manakia - Earn Manakia's Letter.
(missing 2 screenshots)
2.18 Orc Village - Flame Lord Kakai - Earn Scroll of Orc Trust.
(missing 2 screenshots)
2.19 Dwarven Village - Iron Gate's Lockirin - Sends you to meet Maestro Nikola near Cruma Tower.
(missing 2 screenshots)
2.20 Cruma Marsh - Maestro Nikola - He is found just Southwest from the Cruma Tower Entrance. He asks you to hunt some Porta inside CT.
2.21 Cruma Tower Level 1 - Hunt Portas. They have triple HP, so likely you cannot solo them, and usually CT Lvl 1 is packed with people. Try to get some help or ask the groups hunting there to allow you to get the last hit, that works. Collect 10 Heart of Porta.
2.22 Cruma Marsh - Maestro Nikola - Thanks you and sends you back to Lockirin.
2.23 Dwarven Village - Iron Gate's Lockirin - Will give you Scroll of Dwarf Trust.
2.24 Oren - High Priest Hollint - Gives you the Recommendation and tells you to pick up Mark of Trust in Talking Island.
2.25 FINISH - Talking Island - High Priest Biotin - Finally! Earn Mark of Trust, 32,600XP and 4,000SP.
The quest begins at Dragon Valley with Orim. [To find Orim, enter the valley and go north a little bit and follow the road on the right and he'll be on the left wall.]
Location of Orim within Dragon Valley
Orim will ask you to go collect 6 jewels and come back. First, go to Giran Castle Town and speak with the boutique store keeper Alexandria. Next, you have to go to the Mage's Guild and find Magister Iker.
Iker will want you to go collect the following:
- 20 Dire Wyrm's teeth - from Dire Wyrm
- 20 Leto Lizardman's amulets - from Leto Lizardman
- 20 Enchanted Stone Golem's stone heart - from Enchanted Stone Golem
If you give these items to Iker, then he will give you a jewel.
* Note: the Enchanted Stone Golem won't always give the stone heart.
* The locations are below Ivory Tower red area is where the golems are,
The red area at the Sea of Spores is where you can find the dire wyrms,
and the red area at the bottom is where you can find the Leto Lizardman (below Oren)
Now, go to Giran Castle Town and go to the Dark Elf guild building and talk to Magister Kaira. If you talk to her, she will give you a jewel. Now, go to Dion Castle Town and find Magic Trader Lars. She will tell you that if you go and kill Nameless Departed Spirit [Nameless Revenant], she will give you a jewel.
Before killing the namless spirit, you need to talk to Warden Roderik at the bottom of the Northward stairs * The nameless spirit can be found in a hollow north of Execution ground. (Going from Dion to Giran using the top road, it is by there [look at location on map].
Now, go to Gludin Village and talk to Trader Nestle. Then information on the remaining jewels can be obtained. Next, find Leopold. [He will be nearby close to the south-eastern exit.] He will tell you to go to Wasteland and kill Skeleton Mercernary. (When finding NPC's make use of the /target command. i.e. /target leopold) Collect the last 3 jewels by killing those skeletons. Their location in Wasteland is shown below:
If you go find Orim again, he will tell you to go and get Crystal of Restraint and a Sealed Sword. If you go find Magister Iker again, you will be able to simply get the crystal.
If you go to Gludin Village and talk to Sir Karrel Vasper, he will tell you that you must go to Oren Castle Town and go to the Temple to find Vadin.
Vadin will then tell you to go collect 20 Tamrin Orc amulets.
* The Tamrin orcs are south of the road on the way to Hunter's Village, past the cave.
Tamrin Orc location
Once you give Vadin the amulets, you have to return to Vasper in Gludin. Once you talk to him again, you have to return all the way back to Orim in Dragon Valley.
This time around, you will have to go kill Jejuel who is hidden in Fisherman Evert. He is at Floran Village.
You have to seal Jejuel using the sealed sword. Once you seal Jejuel, return to Orim to get the fi nal voucher for the quest and complete it.
One player's note: while killing Jejuel, you can kill it with the seal sword at the very end instead of using the sealed sword the entire time to kill it.
Another player's note: you do not need to return to Orim before going ot kill Jejuel. After getting the sealed sword from Vasper, you can run to Floran or teleport to Wasteland's southern area and run. So when you click on Evert and Jejuel comes out, you can kill it and seal it and then go to Orim and he will give you the Dark Magic's Voucher. [Witchcraft Certificate]
Congratulations, you have completed the Test of Witchcraft !
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