1. Giran Town - Master Dufner
In the Human Fighter's Guild of Giran Town, near the East entrance.
After accepting the quest, you will receive the quest item "Dufner's Item". Description: "Letter written by Master Dufner sending recipient to Dion Castle Town's Master Terry"
Receive Dufner's Letter
2. Dion Town - Master Terry
When you arrive at Dion Town, find Master Terry in the Human Fighter's Guild. You give him Dufner's Letter and he will give you a quest.
After accepting Terry's help and information, you will receive the quest item "Terry's Written Orders". Description: "Go examine the Execution Ground's Crawler Frag."
Receive Terry's Written Orders
3. Execution Ground - hunt the monster "Near Crawler Frag"
If you go to the Execution Ground, there are two types of Near Crawler. The one called "Near Crawler" does not give the quest item. You must hunt the one called Near Crawler Frag [it is the stronger of the two]. It is located north of the entrance of Execution Ground (look at location on map). [Once you cross the bridge, there are two places to go up a long flight of stairs. If you go up the closest one you will find an area with the Near Crawlers and Near Crawler Frags as well as a couple of Hanged Man Rippers, Amber Basilisks, and Sterine.] The monster "Near Crawler Frag" will drop the quest item Mysterious Magic Crystal.
After obtaining the quest item, return to Dion Town to Master Terry. From here on, you will have to return back to town numerous times. Make sure you have enough escape scrolls. Part 1 is complete.
1. Master Terry sends you to hunt a list of monsters
When you return to Master Terry, you will ask for more information and assistance.
The list of monsters are:
- Turek Orc General (in Turek Orc Camp)
- Ant Captain (in Wasteland)
- Ol Mahum Captain (in Partsisian's Hideout)
- Turak Bugbear Warrior (north of Giran Town)
1) Turek Orc General located in Turek Orc Camp
2) Ant Captain is located in Wasteland
Quest Item "Worker Ant's Magic Crystal" dropped by Ant Captain (white colored)
3) Ol Mahum General is located in Partisian's Highway
Quest Item "Ol Mahum's Magic Crystal" dropped by Ol Mahum Captain (pink colored)
4) Turek Bugbear Warrior is located north of Giran Town but south of Dragon Valley
Quest Item "Turek Bugbear's Magic Crystal" dropped by Turek Bugbear Warrior (gold colored)
After you have collected all four magic crystals, return to Master Terry in Dion Town. Part 2 is complete.
1. Master Terry sends you to Hunter's Village
When you return to Master Terry, you will ask what else you need to do.
He tells you to take a letter and chest to Victor in Hunter's Village and you will receive the quest item "Terry's Chest". Description: "A chest with mysterious magic crystals placed in it. This must be taken to Victor of Hunter's Town."
Receive Terry's Chest
From here you will have to go all the way from Giran to Hunter's Town. You can reach it if you continue to go up from Dragon Valley.
2. Hunter's Village - Shopkeeper Victor
Once you get to Hunter's Town, you will need to find Shopkeeper Victor (look at location on map). When Victor asks Terry's real name, absolutely do not say the truth. If you get this part wrong, you will have to go back to Dion.
Once you say you will do the favor, you will receive the quest item "Victor's Written Request". Description: "Written request given by Shopkeeper Victor. 'Please collect 10 Medusa Scales.'"
Receive Victor's Written Request
The Medusa can be found north-east of Giran Town. It is a little further east of the location of the Turek Bugbear Warrior. (look at location on map). When you kill medusas you will receive the quest item Medusa's Scale. While hunting meduas, there are many doing the "Guard Beltkem's Revenge" arrow quest. Remember that you are not collecting the quest item "Medusa's Poison" that Guard Beltkem gives.
Medusa is located north-east of Giran
Collect 10 of the quest item "Medusa's Scale"
When you have collected all 10, return to Hunter's Village Shopkeeper Victor. Here part 3 is completed.
1. Shopkeeper Victor sends you to the Ivory Tower
When you return to Shopkeeper Victor, he will count the scales and is happy but has a problem. He will then send you to Magister Marina in the Ivory Tower to analyze his magic crystals. You will receive the quest item "Analysis Written Request". Description: "A written request sent from Shopkeeper Victor to Ivory Tower's Magister Marina. It requests for an analysis of the Abyss's Magic Crystals."
Receive Analysis Written Request
2. Ivory Tower's Magister Marina sends you to Dwarf Village
The Ivory Tower is located above Oren Castle. Once you enter the Ivory Tower, she is located beyond the gatekeeper on the 2nd floor Human Wizard Guild.
Once you say you will do the favor you will receive the quest item "Marina's Letter". Description: "Letter Magister Marina is sending to Dwarf Village Blacksmith Bronf"
Magister Marina located in the Ivory Tower. Receive quest item Marina's Letter.
Once you manage to get to Dwarf Village, find the Blacksmith Bronf.
He will give you the quest item "Experiment Tool". Description: "A tool use for tests created by Blacskmith Bronf. To be delivered to Magister Marina."
Receive Quest Item Experiment Tool
Now, you have to go back to the Ivory Tower. Here, part 4 is complete.
1. Magister Marina sends you back to Master Terry
Once you get back to Magister Marina with the tool, she completes her analysis of the magic crystals and sends you back to Master Terry in Dion Town.
Once Marina is finished with the experiment, she will give you the quest item "Analysis Results(1)". Description: "Scroll with the results of Magister Marina's exeperiments on the magic crystals. To be delivered to Dion Town's Master Terry."
Receive quest item Analysis Results
Now, you have to go back to Dion and deliver the results to Master Terry.
2. Master Terry sends you out to hunt more monsters
He will then give you a list of more monsters to hunt down and get Abyss's Magic Crystals from.
Receive Host List(1)
The list of monsters is as follows:
- Marsh Stakato Drone (located in Cruma Tower area)
- Ant Warrior Captain (located in Wasteland)
- Breka Orc Overlord (located north of Giran almost in Dragon Valley)
- Leto Lizardman Warrior (located near Oren Town)
Quest Item Abyss's Magic Crystal dropped by Marsh Stakato Drone
Quest Item Abyss's Magic Crystal dropped by Ant Warrior Captain
Quest Item Abyss's Magic Crystal dropped by Breka Orc Overlord
Quest Item Abyss's Magic Crystal dropped by LetoLizardmanFighter
After you have collected all 4 Abyss's Magic Crystals, you have to again go back to Dion Town and talk to Master Terry.
Now that Terry has finished making his report, he will give you the quest item "Terry's Report(1)". Description: "Report about the four types of magic crystals. To be carried to Giran Town's Master Dufner."
Receive Terry's Report
Finally, at Giran Town, go back to the Fighter's Guild to talk to Master Dufner.
Here, you receiv the quest item "Seeker's Voucher". Description: "Voucher given upon the completion of the Trial of Seeker. Item for job change."
Final Quest Item - Seeker's Voucher!
Congratulations, take this voucher and go on to the next step in the three-part job change quest!
Testimony Of Trust
2.1 - Oren - High Priest Hollint - Receive Letters for Elf and Dark Elf.
2.2 Elven Village - Tetrarch Asterios - Will require trustable action from Humans, so gives you Order of Ozzy and asks you to hunt some bad guys.
2.3 Elven Village - West and Southwest of Elven Village are various Dryads. Hunt them a few times, and Actea of Verdant Wilds appear, kill to earn Seed of Verdure.
2.4 Elven Village - Not too far from Dryads are Lireins. Hunt them few times, and Luell of Zephyr Winds appear, kill to earn Breath of Winds.
2.5 Elven Village - Tetrarch Asterios - Will give you Scroll of Elf Trust.
2.6 Dark Elven Village - Tetrarch Thifiell - Trust between Elves and Humans are thin. Thifiell sends you off to Magister Clayton in Dion.
2.7 Dion - Magister Clayton - Will ask you to hunt Guardian Basilisks, Soldier Ants, Marsh Stakatos to collect materials.
2.8 Wastelands - Hunt any Red Ants ("Soldier" Ants) to collect 10 Giant Aphid. These ants are also found deep inside of the Ant Nest.
When you collcet 10 Giant Aphids, it automatically turns into Honey Dew.
2.9 Cruma Marsh - Hunt various Stakatos to collect 10 Stakatos Fluids.
Again, these magically turn into Stakato Ichor.
2.10 Death Pass - Hunt Guardian Basilisks to collect 10 Blood of Guardian Basilisk.
Once again, these will magically turn into Basilisk Plasma when you collect 10.
2.11 Dion - Magister Clayton - Will send you back to Thifiell.
2.12 Dark Elven Village - Tetrarch Thifiell - Earn Scroll of Darkelf Trust.
2.13 Oren - High Priest Hollint - Will now ask you to seek Seresin to earn the trust of Orcs and Dwarves. Seresin is just outside the Church.
2.14 Orc Village - Flame Lord Kakai - Earn Letter to Manakia.
2.15 Giran - Seer Manakia - Asks you to hunt Windsus.
( missing 2 screenshots)
2.16 Death Pass - Hunt Windsus until you collect 10 Lota's Spirit. Windsus is found East of Death Pass, South of the river that divides Oren and Giran area. Watch out for Fettered Souls, they are double HP, run fast and hit hard!
( missing 3 screenshots )
2.17 Giran - Seer Manakia - Earn Manakia's Letter.
(missing 2 screenshots)
2.18 Orc Village - Flame Lord Kakai - Earn Scroll of Orc Trust.
(missing 2 screenshots)
2.19 Dwarven Village - Iron Gate's Lockirin - Sends you to meet Maestro Nikola near Cruma Tower.
(missing 2 screenshots)
2.20 Cruma Marsh - Maestro Nikola - He is found just Southwest from the Cruma Tower Entrance. He asks you to hunt some Porta inside CT.
2.21 Cruma Tower Level 1 - Hunt Portas. They have triple HP, so likely you cannot solo them, and usually CT Lvl 1 is packed with people. Try to get some help or ask the groups hunting there to allow you to get the last hit, that works. Collect 10 Heart of Porta.
2.22 Cruma Marsh - Maestro Nikola - Thanks you and sends you back to Lockirin.
2.23 Dwarven Village - Iron Gate's Lockirin - Will give you Scroll of Dwarf Trust.
2.24 Oren - High Priest Hollint - Gives you the Recommendation and tells you to pick up Mark of Trust in Talking Island.
2.25 FINISH - Talking Island - High Priest Biotin - Finally! Earn Mark of Trust, 32,600XP and 4,000SP.
1. Quest Starts at Hunter's Village with Hunter Union Leader Bernard. He will give you the quest item Bernard's Introductory Letter. He will tell you to go find Sagittarius Hamil at Floran Village. Hamil is acually slightly out of range of the "village" but still in the area.
2. Once you find Hamil, he will tell you to go to the Wasteland's south entrance area to find Sir Aron Tanford.
3. If you talk to Sir Aron Tanford , he will say that Brankel went to the Wasteland's Ant Caves and he has lost contact with him. He asks you to go to the And Caves and see what happened. That's what he says, but actually it means you have to go hunt ants. [Any ant in the caves should do.] When you have collected 10 of the quest item First Hunter's Rune, return to Hamil (not Tanford).
4. After going back to talk to Hamil , he will tell you to find Orc Prefect Vokiyan in Giran Castle Town. Vokiyan will tell you to go kill Breka Orcs [any in the series should be fine.] You need to collect a Snake-shaped Charm. If you kill the Breka Orc Overlord and Shaman, you will get the quest item Second Hunter's Rune. They do not give the above-mentioned snake-shaped charm. HOWEVER, don't leave. Once you collect 10 of the runes, you will get the snake-shaped charm. So take the charm to Vokiyan.
5. To interpret the runes, Vokiyan will send you to Hamil . When you go to Hamil again, he will be surprised that the Demon Kadesh has been revived. But first he makes you go to the Ivory Tower in Oren. On the 3rd floor of the Ivory Tower you can find Magister Gauen. He will make you collect ingredients to build the New Moon's Bow mentioned by Hamil.
6. Each ingredient and where to collect them are listed below.
Manasen's Horn ( Manasen is a gargoyle-looking monster in the open area at the bottom of the ivory tower pillar )
Swamp Spider's Strong spiderweb thread ( around Cruma Tower )
Road Scavenger's Mithril Ring/Link (Death Pass)
Swamp Staccato's Chitin ( around Cruma Tower all Staccato ones are fine )
Swamp Staccato Worker location on the right (circled area is Cruma Tower)
Manasen location on the left (circled area is Ivory Tower area)
Road Scavenger location on the right (circled area is Death Pass)
Swamp Spider location on the left (circled area is Cruma Tower)
Swamp Staccato Worker location on the right (circled area is Cruma Tower)
7. Once you collect all of the items, Magister Gauen will make and give you the New Moon's Bow. Take this bow and return to Hamil at Floran Village.
8. Hamil will tell you that while hunting Leto Lizardman you can meet the Demon Kadesh. They spawn in the area below Oren and west of Hunter's Village. You need to collect 100 of the quest item Lizardman's Blood.
Once you collect 100 of the blood, the demon will appear at random so you may end up collecting anywhere from 100~130 of the blood before he spawns.
9. When killing the Demon Kadesh you MUST use the New Moon's Bow.
10. Once you kill him you can return to Hamil and he will give you the quest item Sagittarius' Voucher.
Congratulations, you have completed the Test of Sagittarius!
Summary of travels:
Hunter's Village (Bernard) >> Floran (Hamil) >> Wasteland south entrance (Sir Aaron Tanpold) >>
Ant Caves >> Floran (Hamil) >> Giran (Vokiyan) >> Below dragon valley (Breka Orc Shaman and Warlord) >>
Giran (Vokiyan) >> Floran (Hamil) >> Ivory Tower 3rd floor (Gauen) >> Ivory Tower area (Manasen) >>
Cruma Tower area (swamp spider) >> Death Pass (road scavenger) >>
Cruma Tower area (Swamp Staccato) >> Ivory Tower 3rd floor (Gauen) >> Floran (Hamil) >>
Oren area (Leto Lizardman) >> Floran (Hamil)